College Education Development Project (CEDP)

Since 2016, the World Bank has been supporting the Government of Bangladesh (GoB) to develop the tertiary college education system through the College Education Development Project (CEDP). The CEDP works to improve the quality and relevance of education in colleges and to enhance the management and planning of the tertiary college system. The project is jointly implemented by the University Grants Commission and the National University. The main objectives of the CEDP are to a) strengthen the strategic planning and management capacity of college education subsector; b) to improve the teaching and learning environment of participating colleges. CEDP has some very important responsibilities which will be executed under the time bound Disbursement linked indicators (DLI) as agreed by GoB and IDA. CEDP comprises of three components: (1) Component 1: Strengthening Strategic Planning and Management Capacity, (2) Component-2: Improving the Teaching and Learning Environment in Participating Colleges, (3) Project Management, Communications and Monitoring & Evaluation. Under the component 2; sub-component 2.1 CEDP is bringing about qualitative improvements in teaching and management in the college sub sector through supporting (a) the training of master trainers; (b) teacher training; (c) capacity building of college principals and future leaders and (d) capacity building of policy makers for sub sector development. The Project also supporting the development of training contents and Learning Management System (LMS).

The objective of the assignment will be a rapid assessment/evaluation of the mid-term performance of the teacher training program carried out under the CEDP. It also examine the rationale, design and assessment criteria used in the development and delivery of the training activities and identify appropriate changes and provide recommendation to enhance effectiveness and impact. SAMAHAR is engaged for conducting Survey and Studies on Effectiveness and Situation Assessment of Teachers’ Training.

 SAMAHAR have done the following activities:

  • Examine and document the impacts of the Master Trainer (MT) and Subject Based Teacher training on improvement and changes of teaching practices at NU affiliated tertiary colleges;
  • Examine and document impacts of the Leader, Future Leader and Policy Makers training on improvement and changes of college management and leadership;
  • Review beneficiary teachers’ and principals’ perception and feedback on the relevance and effectiveness of the training;
  • Review the implementation process and design of the teacher training component, and identify bottlenecks if any and recommendations to enhance effectiveness and impact;
  • Document and map the overall profile of teachers and leaders trained.
  • Review current thinking on the relevance, effectiveness, impact and sustainability of training and in the light of this, assess the Secretariat’s strategy and approaches to development through training;
  • Review management procedures and systems for quality control and performance reporting and the contribution to improved organizational learning, feedback and improvement;
  • Examine the criteria and information base for effective resource allocation and programme planning, in particular the effective use of results information to guide programme decisions
  • Assess the efficiency of management controls, coordination procedures and contractual arrangements used in delivery of training programs.
  • Determine their cost-effectiveness analysis of the training program
  • The study also identify how relevant, effective, efficient, sustainable and participatory are the program intervention. The study will then identify the recommendations for actions needed for better implementation.


Client: Department of Education

Funding By: GoB